Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why am I scared?!

I had this dream last night.. Ive been having weirder and weirder dreams lately. (think its because im sleeping better) I had this dream that Daniel and I were living in this dessert kind of area, all of our neighbors were in kind of close proximity. For some reason I was going to garage sales at each house, when I went up to one house in my car a GIANT elephant started running towards me. I freaked out and backed  up and left their property. It didnt stop, it chased me through the road and to this old abandoned garage, I hid in the corner and its owner came running and screaming. Toby(my dog) had wiggled away from me and was barking at the elephant. The elephant wasnt any NORMAL elephant, it could pick things up and squeeze them. Weird.. I know.

So I am scared to death that toby is now out there with this giant elephant. The owner grabs her gun and shoots toby, then shoots the elephant, the elephant lands on top of my hiding place so I wait a minute to make sure that I can get out safely.. then I run out where a group of people are sitting at a picnic table just talking. I walk up with tears in my eyes, the owner of the elephant tells me,"I wish I didnt have to shoot Toby, I know how much he meant to you.." And I am so furious and sad that I run off screaming and crying hysterically.

Then I woke up! I frequently have dreams that my dog is killed or dead, and it scares me. It doesnt scare me because He is dead, it scares me because I have a fear of something inside of me, that is what scares me the most. I dont know, Im not a psychiatrist.. or psychologist... which ever it is.. haha! I need to get dressed and head out today!

Olive Juice,


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