Saturday, September 18, 2010

The true me

Well this last week has probably been most challenging in my journey, I didnt workout for a WHOLE week (slacker..) and I went to the fair two days this last week and had a fair scone each day!(slap on the wrist for that one!) I had a few things off my diet, in the end I gained a few pounds. Im going to blame that on my slacking off on my exercise routine.. thats the killer! Well, I have come to a conclusion on a few things and I thought I would share them.

I have to be honest, 75 pound ago when I would look in the mirror.. I would and could not see how obese I had become. I didnt see the "true me."

I know most of us hate looking in mirrors, but I have always loved clothing.. therefore loved mirrors. I loved going to find a new outfit, or finding that last piece to complete an outfit. I was used to finding clothes to "hide me" instead of taking care of the problem underneath. Isnt that like us humans? Cover it up so we dont see it, if we cant see it.. its not there. I remember waking up several months ago, and making the decision for myself to change my outer appearance.. and OH BOY! I notice a difference each and everyday.

The main problem I am seeing at this point in my journey is that I still look in the mirror, I still have a hard time seeing the "true me," I tend to look past all of my success so far and point out all the faults in my body that still remain. I have gone from one extreme to the next. I hate the thoughts that go through my head when someone compliments me on my success at weightloss, "Yeah, but you dont see these flabby arms? Do you see the side fat that still lingers?" I really hate to think those thoughts. Every day is still a struggle, every day I tell myself, "you are not done yet, but love who you are right now." Believing in myself and loving my body everyday and not just the body of myself "someday" is getting easier and easier. Lets love our bodies today, tomorrow and each day after that!




  2. Mada - thank you so much for sharing! As you know, I had lap-band surgery last year. However, I still have had to work through the "mental" part of this journey. It's a "tool" and I can easily find ways to get around it. Finally ready to deal with the issues full on (and even admit I have issues LOL!). You have truly motivated me. I love you and am so happy to see what you have accomplished!
